Colombo to Kandy & Kandy to Colombo Train Time Table & Ticket Price

colombo to kandy by train

Colombo to Kandy Train Overview

Colombo is the capital of Sri LankaIt is also one of the safest city in South Asia. The city has 3 options for transportation bus, taxi, and trainThe best and cheapest way to travel around Sri Lanka from Colombo is by train. The distance from Colombo to Kandy is about 115 kilometers. Although you can go to Kandy from Colombo by taxi and bus, the comfortable and secure mode of transportation from Colombo to Kandy is trained. You might be thinking that if it is a comfortable way of transportation between these two cities, then it must be expensiveBut in reality, it’s not true. Colombo to Kandy train cost varies depending on the train type (Intercity Express trains, and Colombo Commuter) and seat class (first, second and third class). The Journey from Colombo to Kandy by train is not only comfortable, hassle-free and money-saving way of transportation but also this trip would make your trip memorable as one the way you will have some scenic and eye-catching view of landscapes. Book Train tickets online here


Train Schedule Colombo to Kandy

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Find below direct Colombo to Kandy train time table for normal train and Colombo to Kandy intercity train time table.

Colombo to Kandy train timetable

Type End Station Frequency Available
05:55 08:42 Express Badulla Daily 1, 2R, 3R, 2, 3
07:00 09:31 ICE Kandy Daily O, 2R, 3
08:30 11:03 Express Badulla Daily 1, 2R, 3R, 2, 3
09:00 11:31 ICE Kandy Weekends &
O, 2R, 3
10:35 13:52 Express Matale Daily 1, 2R, 3R, 2, 3
12:40 16:04 Express Hatton Daily 2, 3
15:35 18:06 ICE Kandy Daily O, 2R, 3
16:35 19:42 Express Kandy Weekdays
2, 3
17:20 19:58 AC-ICE Kandy Friday 1
17:45 20:55 Express Kandy Daily 2, 3
20:00 23:06* Night Mail Badulla Daily 1, 2R, 3R, 2, 3

Colombo to Kandy Train Ticket Price

Colombo to Kandy train ticket price depends on ride class and train type. Here is the price list for your idea.

Note: Even though booking online might be a bit expensive, I suggest you book online as 1st and 2nd class seat ticket sell very quickly. You can book online here at a reputable site.

Colombo, Kandy intercity train ticket prices depend on the seat type. Unfortunately, the Sri Lanka railway does not provide online ticket booking for 1st and 2nd classHowever, Colombo, Kandy train booking can be done with any travel agency in Sri Lanka which can book this ticket for you. Another bad thing is unless you buy a 1st class ticket your seat wouldn’t confirm. I will HIGHLY recommend you to buy 1st class seats in advance here at for a hassle-free trip. There is slightly price difference between 1st and 2nd class ticket. Colombo to Kandy train duration by the Intercity Express trains (2.30 hours one way) and by normal express trains (3.30 hours) that seems too much already.

Please note ticket prices have been changed. Expect 200 SRL more in below mentioned price.
Train 1st Class
1st Class
2nd Class
3rd Class
AC-ICE 500
ICE (07:00) & (15:35) 800 280 180
ICE (09:00) 500 280 180
Express (05:55) & (08:30) 1,000 600 400 190 105
Other Trains 190 105

Listed below are seat type offered by Sri Lankan train.

  • 1st class sleeper: It’s the best option in case you are moving overnight. This comes with a sleeping bed.
  • 1st class observation car: It is available for purchase on specific daytime trains, mostly on the Main Line, and is very fashionable among vacationers.
  • 1st class air-conditioned seats are available on occasional inter-city express trains.
  • 2nd class seats are offered on all intercity trains and are obtainable as either unreserved seats or reserved seats.
  • 3rd class seats are available on most trains. This class can get very crowded and carries only basic facilities.

Kandy to Colombo Train Cost

Kandy to colombo tickeets cost is same as from colombo to kandy.

Train Schedule Kandy to Colombo.

Check out below Kandy to Colombo train schedule by normal train and Kandy to Colombo intercity train. Please note that train timetable Kandy to Colombo periodically change. At the end of the post, I inserted a link where you can verify timing against your trip date. 

Direct Trains from Kandy station to Colombo Fort station

Train No Name Departure Time Arrival Time Frequency Type
1040 05:00 08:05 NSU Long Distance
1030 06:15 08:52 Daily Intercity
1036 Express Train 06:30 09:45 Daily Express
1024 Express Train 10:30 14:03 Daily Express
1016 Udarata Menike 12:50 15:27 Daily Express
1010 Intercity Train 15:00 17:36 Daily Intercity
1020 Express Train 15:30 18:50 Daily Express
1006 Podi Menike 16:05 18:57 Daily Express
1034 Intercity 05:50 08:42 SO&MONDAY Intercity

Colombo railway station contact number: +94 11-2432908

Kandy railway station contact number:   +94 081-2222271

Useful Tips

Timing can be changed anytime. Confirm Timing against your date  here

In case of online train booking Please click here to check train timing & cost against your dates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does the train take from Colombo to Kandy?

Train from colombo fort to kandy raily station can take between 3 to 4 hours as mentioned in time-table. It’s actually depend on trip type.

  • How far is Kandy from Colombo?

The distance between sri lanka capital and sri lanank accient city is around 120 KM.

  • Can you book Sri Lanka train tickets online?

You can’t directly booking sri Lanka train tickets online. However, you can book your ticket with third-party like 12goasia by going here