We all know that Sri Lanka is a country of Island, there is no doubt a lot of water sports. Sri Lanka is the attraction for tourists. Water lovers or water sports lovers can get a great sense of attraction towards this country because there are many and famous sports of water here. It’s a great source of water sports lover.
Most importantly there are several or different seasons all around Sri Lankan’s cities. There are many water sports one can enjoy these sports who are water sports lover. There are a lot of Water sports but some are considered as in many countries but few of these are provide or offer specific places and sports camps but there are the water sports which is considered as The Top 5 Sri Lanka Water Sports. Sri Lanka is one of the smart countries which has provided many sports either it is water surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, banana & tube ride, jet ski or deep water fishing. These sports provide thrilling and hilarious amusement which one can only dream of it. Sri Lanka offers a lot of camps near beaches for this purpose for beginners. It is adventurous but for those who adopt it as a sport, it becomes more interesting.
We can see a lot of sports around us but Sri Lankan’s water sports are more interesting that one can only dream of it. If one who want to visit there he should make a plan to visiting the water sports camps. The famous places of Sri Lanka are also the source of pleasure for tourists. There are a lot of things that are attractive like a banana boat ride in the turquoise water of Sri Lanka it is also known as jet ski ride. The most amazing thing that is attractive and beautiful is the Whale. It’s a pretty thing and you will never forget this scene from your memory. You should experience in morning time with breakfast on the bank of the beach. The more attractive thing is deep sea fishing in the blue water of Sri Lanka’s coastal areas. Tourists from all around the world who keenly take interest in fishing mostly visit there to get amused by fishing. Sri Lanka is little Island but it is a place of greenery, mountain, beautiful scenery, and tea trees.
There are many sports here which is considered as The Top 10 Sri Lanka Water Sports that are as follows;
- Speed Boat Ride
- Windsurfing
- Water Skiing
- Fishing
- Rafting
- Sailing
- Banana & Tube Ride
- Jet Ski
- White Water Rafting
- Snorkeling
- Speed Boat Ride
One who is interested in boat riding must visit Sri Lanka. This is much hilarious and thrilling adventure but you have to apply some precautions first. Its speed is so fast even your hairs blows in the air. This is too much adventurous.
- Windsurfing
Windsurfing is one of the most important and charming water sport. One can get amazed at Sri Lankan’s beach. Windsurfing is too much hilarious sport even oceanic wind rushes on the face. But you have to be alert about the dangers of windsurfing.
- Water Skiing
Sri Lanka provides a great facility of waterskiing on the beaches. It provides a great source of learning for the one who is new in water skiing. Sri Lanka offers water skiing camps in specific areas. Sri Lankan’s weather remains the same throughout the whole year. The one amazing thing that is amazing is it is comfortable for all the new one and the experienced one also. Sri Lanka is also is known for its green mountains, greenery, coasts, water all around the Island and for its attractive sceneries. But it is not good for children.
- Fishing
Fishing is also one of The Top 5 Sri Lanka Water Sports. If you are interested in fishing so Sri Lanka offers a good place for fishing. The areas of the southwest of Sri Lanka are the best for fishing. You can get amazed by it, enjoyed it. One who is keen on fishing must go to Sri Lanka.
- Rafting
Rafting is also one of The Top 5 Sri Lanka Water Sports. If you want to get a good experience of rafting you should visit Sri Lanka. It is an Island of a great source of rafting. But it is too much adventurous and hilarious task. It is dangerous for kids. The best time of rafting in Sri Lanka is mid-summer.
- Snorkeling
Sri Lanka is famous for its water sports, among all these sports Snorkeling is many amazing sports. You have to take proper training for snorkeling. You will find out a lot of water creatures, water animals in the oceanic depth. The best time of visiting Sri Lanka is starting of the year. One of the places of Sri Lanka is Hikkaduwa which is best for snorkeling.
- Jet Ski
Sri Lanka provides a great tide of water for Jet Ski. One who is interested to fight against these water waves should try to visit Sri Lanka. Jet Skiing is a most interesting sport for water sports lover.one should definitely try it once in life in hot weather of this Island.
- Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving is also an important sport of water. It provides a great source of watching the water creatures. It is one of the water Sports activities in Sri Lanka. One who is curious to see the anonymous creatures should keenly look forward to this sports. One should learn about scuba diving and get his/her dream true.
There are furthermore water sports in Sri Lanka; that is Kayaking which everybody can enjoy it. It is a paddle boat one can just use the paddle in the water and can enjoy this water sports. Another sport is wakeboarding it’s somehow like water surfing and water skiing. Another amazing and exciting sport is Seaplane Ride it is a plane that can fly in the air and in the water as well.
Sri Lanka also provides a source of entertainment for babies (beginners like us). Some of the famous beaches of Sri Lanka are as follows;
- Hikkaduwa Beach
- Kalpittiya Beach
- Unawatuna Beach
- Bentota Beach
One should visit once in life and try these water Sports activities in Sri Lanka.